Cybersecurity Consolidando el liderazgo en el mercado de la ciberseguridad para robots Descubre cómo Alias Robotics lidera en ciberseguridad robótica, protegiendo robots industriales con soluciones avanzadas de IA y ML. Conoce las tendencias del mercado, los principales competidores y nuestro enfoque único.
Cybersecurity Consolidating market leadership in robot cybersecurity Discover how Alias Robotics leads the way in robotic cybersecurity, protecting industrial robots with advanced AI and ML solutions. Learn about market trends, key competitors, and our unique approach.
Cybersecurity Cómo detectar y evitar ataques de phishing: Intento de estafa real para comprometer propiedad industrial y entorno productivo Intento de estafa real para comprometer propiedad industrial y entorno productivo. Enfrentamos un intento de ataque que pudo haber tenido consecuencias desastrosas pero se convirtió en una oportunidad para aprender y reforzar nuestras defensas.
Cybersecurity Alias Robotics asegura una prestigiosa financiación del Consejo Europeo de Innovación El Consejo Europeo de Innovación (EIC) nos ha seleccionado, junto con solo otras 42 empresas, de un grupo de 242 contendientes y 1083 propuestas de toda Europa.
DDS Improving the security of Data Distribution Service (DDS) for ROS 2 robotic systems Together with researchers from Trend Micro Research, TXOne and ADLINK, Alias Robotics looked into the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard and improved its solution for robots: the Robot Immune System (RIS).
robots Alias Robotics and Kaspersky participate in joint research effort Alias Robotics and Kaspersky have partnered to boost cyber-protection for robots used in operational technology (OT) infrastructure.
robot security Collaboration with Eleven Paths in the XV International Industrial Cybersecurity Congress Alias Robotics will be, in collaboration with Eleven Paths, in the XV International Industrial Cybersecurity Congress talking about Cybersecurity in the industrial environment and how RIS can help protecting robots.
vulnerabilities Cooperating with KUKA on robot vulnerabilties In cooperation with different parties, the spanish robotics firm Alias Robotics, specialized in robot cybersecurity, has made public a short study case disclosing two vulnerabilities detected by their researchers in the robots of KUKA.
COVID19 With COVID-19, robots are here to stay. Robots have become one of the great protagonists during the COVID-19 virus. In this article we introduce some of the robots that are helping us during the coronavirus outbreak.