Surveying the security in robotics

Help us raise the awareness of security in robotics by filling the robot security survey.

Safety has been accounted for in robotics, partially at least. Unfortunately, the lack of security has safety repercussions and most manufacturers are neglecting its relevance.

We are witnessing the dawn of robotics. But lessons should be learned from previous technological revolutions, such as the computer industry or the smartphone revolution. We aim to create awareness about the need of caring not only about safety when deploying a robot, but also enforcing strong security in robots. Those manufacturers that learn to apply a security-first approach will have a competitive advantage.

Following from a previous entry, a Alias Robotics, where we advocate for a security-first approach and highlight the connection between safety and security, in order to raise awareness and voice out the opinion of robotics practicioners, this entry is a call for participation to survey the status of security in robotics.

We invite roboticists, manufacturers of robots and robot components as well as any other robot practicioner to participate in the robot security survey.

We invite roboticists, manufacturers of robots and robot components as well as any other robot practicioner to participate in the robot security survey.

The questionnaire will be used to produce research material and all results will be public and completely anonymized.

Many thanks for your participation!