real-time Real-time security for robotics Security is not a product, it's a process. It needs to be continously and periodically assessed. Alias' mission is to remove 0-days from robotics. This article discusses some of the threats that apply to real-time systems and how to secure them.
Threat Model Threat modeling a ROS 2 robot In the context of robotics, a threat model identifies threats that apply to the robot and/or its components (both software and hardware) while providing means to address or mitigate them. We present the threat model of a ROS 2 robot.
Cybersecurity Introducing the Robot Vulnerability Database Alias Robotics is glad to introduce the Robot Vulnerability Database (RVD), a community-contributed list of robot vulnerabilities and weaknesses
Research article Introducing the Robot Security Framework (RSF) At the time of writing, RSF has reportedly been used and adopted by several groups and applied in several commercial projects. Our work has been cited in the results that other companies delivered
Cybersecurity Surveying the security in robotics Call for participation to survey the status of security in robotics. We invite roboticists, manufacturers of robots and robot components as well as any other robot practicioner to participate in the robot security survey.
Research article Robot hazards: from safety to security Safety cares about the possible damage a robot may cause in its environment, whilst security aims at ensuring that the environment does not disturb the robot operation. Safety and security are connected matters.